Written by Graham Duff
Starring Jonny Vegas

Moz & Cartoon face

After visiting the set of series 7 the other day
i thought id show you some insight into the world of ideal.
Because after bragging for a few days about this fantastic chance to to go down to the set in Manchester I realised not alot of you people are much aware of the show. It's very much a cult TV show broadcasting late on BBC 3. But do hold your judgements, just because you may never have heard of it, it doesn't mean it's shit. It can't be. Else the BBC would have pulled it long before any 7th series could emerge from it.

Basically Moz (Jonny) is a small time pot dealer working from his flat in Manchester. The stories develop because of the vast array of 'interesting' customers who come to is door, like 'Cartoon Face' (see above). The show hardly ever sees 'Moz' out of his flat but not to worry there's plenty of laughs inside.

When on set, me and a Mr J. Harold discovered that Vegas doesn't actually smoke the green stuff or anything of the likes. Just ''Fags and Booze''. So the ideas for this show come from Graham Duff (our contact to the set) who is the shows writer and also stars in it as 'Brian', the local raging homosexual and Moz's old friend who turns up at his door with a new boyfriend everytime.
Anyway start watching it and you will not regret.

Trust me. A must see.